So, I found a gym here that has some heavy bags for boxing and kickboxing training.
They're in a part of the building with no air conditioning, so usually I'm the only one in there during the day working on the heavy bags.

The other day, this guy shows up while I'm going through my series of jabs, hooks, roundhouse kicks etc., and he starts doing pushups. Then he does some situps. Then some more pushups, then he gets on a stationary bike for like a minute, then back to pushups.
All the while, I'm working the bag and trying my best to ignore his frantic whatever it was workout.
He finally grabs his towel to leave, then turns back and walks over to the bag hanging next to mine.
Out of nowhere, he does this flying, 360 degree spinning, Bruce Lee kind of crescent kick thing hitting the top of the bag...then immediately does two more to prove the first one wasn't a fluke.
Then he just walks out with an unspoken "take that fat ass" hanging in the air.
For the record, this kid was maybe 5' 4" and 130 pounds and no older than 25. I'm literally twice his age and weight and almost a foot taller, but it still kinda pissed me off.
The fact that I used to be able to do the same kind of athletic kicks when I was in my 20's and doing Tae Kwon Do regularly didn't make me feel any better about myself.
"Take that fat ass," just kept floating around the room.
I finished my workout and headed through the main area of the gym to leave. The Bruce Lee guy was, of course, standing in front of a mirror...shirt pulled up, looking at his abs and flexing.
That made me feel better about myself.