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Kiki Teague
Apr 14, 20244 min read
Maybe I'm A Villian: Ode to a Porsche
A while back my dad gave me a compliment. He said, “You know, if there was ever anyone I knew who was capable of killing another human...
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Don Teague
Aug 18, 20222 min read
Working it Out
So, I found a gym here that has some heavy bags for boxing and kickboxing training. They're in a part of the building with no air...
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Kiki Teague
Aug 5, 20224 min read
Well, that was fun!
I learned a few new things this morning before my first cup of coffee: There is a skunk in our apartment complex. Mi perro fue rociado...
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Don Teague
Jun 20, 20221 min read
Danger Close (not)
Musings on the volcano next door. So, I've had a standing new year's resolution for the past 20 years or so: NOT to ride in or attempt...
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